Hello Friends,

We have all heard the saying you don’t have a second chance to make a first impression. While we think of this in relation to people, the same holds true for your home. Often we think design starts after you enter the front door but in reality it starts before that. Realtors discuss the importance of curb appeal. Have you ever stopped think about what makes “good” curb appeal? Here are a couple of tips to make your home have better curb appeal and help it to provide a good first impression.

• What is the exterior color of your home? It is important to give some thought to the exterior color of your home. Don’t select a shade just because you like it. On the large expanse of your home it can become overwhelming or boring quite quickly. If some parts of your home have bricks use the color in the bricks as a starting point.
• Does your front door make a statement? Is it a focal point? It should be – how else will people find the entrance? Does the style of your front door complement the style of your home? The front door is the perfect place to add an accent color to give your home some pizazz or wow factor. (Selecting colors can be challenging. Check out my tips on selecting paint colors from my website.)
• Is your front door accessible? Is there a walkway to your front door? Can the front door be seen from the street? Often our entrances are blocked by overgrown shrubs. Make sure those are trimmed and not out of control.
• If you are considering adding shutters to your home make certain the scale is correct. So often people select standard sizes instead of getting a custom order in the size that reflects your window size. Shutters can also be a great place to add an accent color. You want something that compliments your exterior color but does not detract from the “wow” of your front door.
• Lighting…well that is a newsletter of its own.
• Landscaping can make all the difference to a home’s first impression. Don’t underestimate the value of hiring a landscape architect to develop a plan for your home.

I hope you have found these tips helpful. On your next neighborhood walk pay attention to the homes you pass and what makes them appealing. If you need some assistance in creating a great first impression of your home give me a call at 952.210.0685. I also know some fabulous landscape architects.