June Newsletter | Curb Appeal

June Newsletter | Curb Appeal

Hello Friends, We have all heard the saying you don’t have a second chance to make a first impression. While we think of this in relation to people, the same holds true for your home. Often we think design starts after you enter the front door but in reality it starts...
May Newsletter | Project Planning

May Newsletter | Project Planning

Hello Friends! Hurray hurray…oh wait, I guess I missed that deadline. Since last month I have been thinking more about project planning and would like to add a few more helpful hints. Whether you are doing a cosmetic update to your home, remodeling a kitchen, or...
April Newsletter | Project Delays

April Newsletter | Project Delays

Hello my friends! April showers may bring May flowers but it won’t bring your furniture or faucets any sooner.  There is nothing like a year of lockdowns and isolating to make you ready to start anew.  After being in our homes for the past year we have had...
March Newsletter | Lighting

March Newsletter | Lighting

Hi Friends, Does anyone else have spring fever?  I love this time of year when the temperatures are warming, the snow is melting and the days are getting longer.  The combination of sunshine and light makes such a difference to my entire mental attitude.  Light has a...
February Newsletter | New Project

February Newsletter | New Project

Hi Friends! Can you believe it is February???  I feel like I just took down my holiday decorations and now we are on to the next month!  This newsletter will be a bit different from the others I plan to do.  I am dedicating it to a project I had the privilege to be a...
January Newsletter | Happy New Year

January Newsletter | Happy New Year

Hi Friends! Happy New Year! I think we have all been anxiously awaiting 2021 and the good it will bring to all of us! As promised I am going to try to send out a monthly (we’ll see) newsletter with different design tips, tricks or advice. I would love to hear from you...